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Randy’s Troll

This page has been created in response to hundreds of false internet postings by an infamous internet troll about Randy and his client


Bat World Sanctuary and its internet troll, “Mary Cummins” aka “The Roach”
Defamation of Randy’s client
Mary Cummins’ lies about the USDA
The troll’s own attorney tells the court she lied


$12 million judgment against Mary Cummins of “Cummins Real Estate Appraisals”
Mary Cummins loses another appeal
Criminal perjury?
Mary Cummins flirts with and attempts to influence a supreme court justice
The flirting and fawning didn’t work
Mary Cummins explodes
Debtor’s Court
Cummins files for bankruptcy


Cummins’ internet attack campaigns
Mary Cummins’ occupation: “causing havoc on the web”
Psychotic break or planning for future lawsuits?
Wikipedia blocks Mary Cummins
Cummins creates fake “Wikipedia” page
Stalking her victims’ emails and websites
Stalking and blackmailing a philanthropist?
Attacking animal rescue organizations
Attacking her own (dead?) mother
A book and movie about Mary Cummins
Stalking a war hero in a nursing home?
Attacking a disabled man in an assisted living facility


Punishing the Texas trial court judges
Punishing the Texas Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Justices
Punishing California Judge Goodson
Punishing California Judge Hess
Filing complaints against judges, lawyers, court reporters, process servers, etc.


Frivolous lawsuits in federal court thrown out
Frivolous lawsuits in state court thrown out
Suing her neighbor, Los Angeles, and the CEO of Google


Psychotic babbling by “Mary Cummins”
False police reports
Threats to kill Amanda Lollar
Websites about Mary Cummins

Bat World Sanctuary and its internet troll, “Mary Cummins” aka “The Roach”

An obsessive, mentally unhinged internet troll in Beverly Hills, California whose life is devoted to attacking, defaming and destroying people on the internet added Randy to her long list of victims after he won a multi-million-dollar defamation lawsuit against her on behalf of his client, Bat World Sanctuary. The troll is known as “Mary Cummins,” aka “The Roach,” aka “Mary Cobb,” aka “Mary Cummins-Cobb,” aka “Mary Katherine Cobb.” No one knows this troll’s actual name because she has boasted that “Mary Cummins“—the name she calls herself on the internet and in court papers—“isn’t even my real name or legal name.” Cummins’ relentless quest for revenge started not long after Randy agreed to represent Amanda Lollar and Bat World Sanctuary pro bono in a lawsuit against her.

Bat World is the world’s largest rescue/rehabilitation/teaching sanctuary dedicated exclusively to bats. It is the only bat sanctuary in the world that is accredited by the preeminent Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and accredited by the American Sanctuary Association. Amanda Lollar, its founder and president, is an internationally renowned bat expert, rehabilitator, and author of 7 books, including the definitive medical reference book on insectivorous bats that is used worldwide by veterinarians and wildlife centers. Bat World and Amanda have appeared on the Discovery Channel, 20/20 Downtown, Animal Planet, Nickelodeon, the CBS Early Show, and Late Night with David Letterman. In 2005 Amanda Lollar received the Doris Day Kindred Spirit Award, and in 2008 she was a Top Ten Animal Planet Hero of the Year Finalist. In 2013 Bat World was listed as number one in an article entitled “10 Amazing Wild Animal Sanctuaries You Should Support” by www.onegreenplanet.org. Amanda has been nominated twice by the Nominating Committee for the prestigious Indianapolis Prize, the world’s top award for animal conservation. In 2016 Amanda Lollar received the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries’ prestigious Carole Noon Award for Sanctuary Excellence that is given annually to “a sanctuary or individual who embodies and puts into practice the GFAS philosophy of vision, dedication and excellence in animal care.”

“Mary Cummins” aka “The Roach,” contrary to what she says in her blogs and websites, has admitted in federal lawsuit documents that she is “unemployed” and “does not own a business or company.” Indeed, she once candidly revealed on the internet that her actual occupation is, causing havoc on the web. In other words, she is what is commonly known as an “internet troll.” Because Mary Cummins comes from a wealthy family and is not employed her victims believe she is a trust fund beneficiary and/or lives on an inheritance. This is probably true since “causing havoc on the web” is not an occupation that typically generates much income. She has publicly admitted that she used to be called a “paid basher,” another occupation that does not pay very well. “Mary Cummins” used to refer to herself as “president” of something she called “Animal Advocates,” some sort of entity that was suspended by the State of California several years ago. (Great Nonprofits website says “This organization’s nonprofit status may have been revoked or it may have…ceased operations;” Guidestar’s website shows that as of 2018 its assets were zero dollars and its “nonprofit status may have been revoked” or it “may have…ceased operations.”)  Cummins said its address was a “small shack” she lived in.  In 2016 Mary Cummins testified in a court proceeding that she resigned from Animal Advocates in 2012. In addition to writing hundreds of blogs and tweets attacking her victims, cyberstalking them, filing lawsuits against them, reporting them to the police, and blogging about her genitals, “Mary Cummins” spends her days making YouTube videos that show her clutching baby animals such as a squirrel, opossum, or a sick raccoon with her bare hands. The animals are often screaming.

Defamation of Bat World

In 2010 then 56-year-old “Mary Cummins” briefly interned at Bat World but apparently found the work too challenging to complete and left the internship early and disgruntled. Unfortunately, at that time Bat World did not do background checks on people who applied for internships and was totally unaware of the numerous websites and blogs that others had created about this deeply disturbed individual over the years (see last paragraph below.) A powerful lesson was learned. Mary Cummins immediately began posting copyrighted photos and proprietary information on the internet without Bat World’s permission and in violation of her internship contract. When she refused to remove the proprietary material from the internet Randy agreed to take the case pro bono and filed a lawsuit against Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates.”  The troll was outraged over being sued and retaliated by inventing monstrous lies about Amanda Lollar and posting them all over the internet, falsely accusing her of being cruel to animals, practicing veterinary medicine without a license, getting sanctioned by animal regulatory authorities, losing her USDA permit, murdering her baby, and countless other horrific lies. It is important to note that Cummins did not concoct any of these lies until after she was sued. Mary Cummins even purchased the domain names, Batworldsanctuary.com and .org so she could lure people to those sites and spread her defamation about Amanda and Bat World as far and wide as possible across the internet as part of her obsessive quest for revenge. (She closes her sites to public view a day or two before court hearings ever since a judge got on the internet to check out Animal Advocates during a hearing; she reopens her sites after the hearings, apparently thinking judges don’t get on the internet except during hearings.) She feverishly began creating hundreds of blogs attacking and defaming Amanda. Mary Cummins also started inundating state and federal law enforcement and regulatory agencies with false complaints about Amanda Lollar. Again, this barrage of false complaints and defamation only began after she was sued, in retaliation for the lawsuit. Needless to say, Amanda Lollar and Bat World were completely exonerated by all resulting investigations—the investigative reports may be viewed at Bat World’s website. The Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife got so tired of investigating the troll’s false allegations that the state’s attorney finally told her the department would no longer respond to her complaints about Amanda and Bat World. The Department stated that Amanda and her staff are “the leaders in the field of rehabbing bats.” Randy amended the lawsuit to include claims for defamation.

Mary Cummins lies about the USDA and Bat World 

In addition to concocting elaborate lies out of whole cloth about Amanda Lollar and Bat World, the troll weaves insidious lies around actual facts as part of her campaign to destroy Amanda and Bat World. For example, a USDA permit is needed to exhibit certain animals to the public.  In 2012 Bat World decided to stop exhibiting bats and, therefore, did not renew its permit when it came up for renewal that year. Always looking for new defamation opportunities, Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals seized on this and posted all over the internet that Bat World “lost its USDA permit.” Of course the troll fails to mention that Bat World continues to train USDA wildlife specialists as well as animal control officers, Bat Conservation International professionals, veterinarians and others in the rescue, care and rehabilitation of bats. She also neglects to mention that Bat World maintains all necessary licenses with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Another example is when Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates altered a video of Amanda performing an emergency episiotomy on a bat and posted it on YouTube. She then asked a “big cat and marine mammal specialist” at the USDA named Laurie Gage to view the doctored video. Mary Cummins had edited the original video and taken out the part that showed Amanda administering a local anesthetic (general anesthesia cannot be used on a bat during delivery.) The troll then added captions to the video, falsely stating that Amanda failed to use anesthesia and that the mother died. In fact, the mother survived and was later released into the wild. Based on Mary Cummins’ false statements and the edited video, the “big cat and marine mammal specialist” sent an email stating that the bat “experienced pain and suffering” and the mother “could have survived if it had been properly anesthetized.” However, a wildlife veterinarian who had trained Amanda to do episiotomies on bats viewed the original unedited video at trial and testified that Amanda had performed a “textbook episiotomy; I could not have done any better.” When Dr. Robert Gibbens, Regional Director of the USDA and Gage’s boss, learned that an unqualified employee had written an unauthorized email based on the troll’s lies, he issued the following statement: “Our Agency looked into (Cummins’) complaint against Bat World Sanctuary; the Agency did not find any evidence of Animal Welfare Act violations and considers the matter closed.” He further stated that Gage’s job title is “Big Cat and Marine Mammal Specialist; she does not work with bats.” It is not known if Gage was then disciplined or fired for making these false statements. When Gage later found out she had been duped by Mary Cummins she recanted her statements. However, Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates” continues to spend an enormous amount of time spreading Gage’s misinformed and subsequently recanted statements along with the doctored video all over the internet.

Mary Cummins’ editing stunt and false captions resulted in her being found guilty of “malicious” defamation by a Texas court and being ordered to pay $6 million in damages to Amanda. (See “$12 million Judgment against Mary Cummins” paragraph below.)  At that trial, another wildlife veterinarian with 30 years’ experience testified that if she ever had a bat that needed medical treatment she would rather drive that bat from her clinic in South Dakota to Bat World in Texas for Amanda to treat it than allow any veterinarian in her area to treat it.

The troll’s own attorney tells the court she lied

Mary Cummins initially had a lawyer but when he found out that Cummins had lied he was ethically no longer able to represent her and had to get off the case. However, Mary Cummins refused to consent to his withdrawing from the case, forcing him to file a motion to withdraw. After a court hearing in which Cummins’ lawyer told the judge how Cummins had lied and her “wild claims are false, the judge released him from the case. Mary Cummins insanely claimed that Randy had physically “assaulted” her during her video-recorded deposition while her lawyer was “asleep.” This absurd accusation was refuted by her lawyer and disproved by the court reporter’s sworn affidavit as well as the deposition video. When Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates” realized that a video recording and the court reporter’s affidavit proved that Randy did not touch her during the deposition she decided to start blogging that Randy had “chased me down a hallway” and “intentionally bumped his entire body into mine” at the courthouse. Cummins fabricated this story because, unlike the fiction she had made up about the deposition, there was no video that would prove she was lying and she could simply claim there were no witnesses. These are just two of the many lies that Mary Cummins of “Cummins Real Estate Appraisals” has concocted about Randy and spread across the internet to get revenge against him for winning the lawsuit. In a subsequent babbling twitter rant, the internet troll bizarrely complained that “my own attorney helped the opposition.”

Sleepy lawyers

According to the troll’s attack blogs, tweets and websites, “Randy was sleeping during his client’s deposition” and Cummins’ own lawyer “fell asleep” during her deposition. Even the judge “slept” during the trial. Lots of sleepy lawyers and judges in Texas. It must be the heat.  

$12 million judgment against Mary Cummins of “Cummins Real Estate Appraisals”

During a 4-day trial in June 2012 highly trained expert veterinarians, wildlife rehabilitators and other experts from around the United States testified that Amanda Lollar’s knowledge, care, and treatment of bats are the gold standard among wildlife rehabilitators. Witness after witness testified about Amanda’s love, devotion and compassion toward animals and totally disproved each and every hideous lie that Mary Cummins had spread across the internet. After listening to all of the witnesses, viewing videos, and scientific literature, and after considering Mary Cummins’ lying rant on the witness stand, Judge Bill Brigham not only found that her statements about Amanda Lollar were completely false but also that Mary Cummins’ lies were “egregious as well as malicious as well as intentional He further announced on the record that Amanda Lollar is to bats what Jane Goodall is to primates. He ordered Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates” and “Cummins Real Estate Appraisals” to pay $6.0 million in actual and punitive damages for her defamation. He also ordered Cummins to remove the defamation from the internet.  

The entire judgment remained unpaid for almost two years due to Cummins’ frivolous and silly legal shenanigans. However, in June of 2014 the sheriff began draining Mary Cummins’ bank accounts to pay the judgment. Although it took a long time for Amanda to finally start collecting the money Cummins owes her, the first check from the sheriff was happily received and well-deserved. Because of constantly accruing post-judgment interest at the rate of $51,616.77 per month, Mary Cummins still owes over $12 million! The seizure and liquidation of her assets will continue until the judgment is paid in full. Fortunately a defamation judgment cannot be discharged in bankruptcy and will remain in full force for the rest of the troll’s life. The troll accurately describes the Texas court judgment as “a lifelong financial death sentence.” Although Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates” continues to violate the court order by re-posting the same horrific lies about Amanda in hundreds of blogs, websites, and emails to officials, the official court findings that she is a “malicious” liar destroyed any semblance of credibility she may have hoped for. Mary Cummins is now widely regarded as an internet laughing stock because she still cannot figure out why no one takes her nasty attack blogs and tweets seriously.

Mary Cummins loses another appeal

The troll filed a frivolous appeal but the Second District Court of Appeals upheld the $6 million defamation judgment. In a 76-page opinion blasting Mary Cummins the appellate court found that “Lollar showed by clear and convincing evidence that Cummins acted with malice(page 62) when she lied about Amanda. The court said “Cummins engaged in a persistent calculated attack on Lollar with the intention to ruin both Lollar’s life and her standing in the animal rehabilitation community; Cummins posted innumerable statements about Lollar impugning her honesty and her competency, and she repeatedly and relentlessly reported Lollar to multiple government agencies(Page 62). When the court’s decision was handed down Cummins immediately began attacking the appeals court justices, blogging that “they support Amanda Lollar who committed animal cruelty.” She even identified the individual justices by name and posted links to information about each justice. (The troll goes into her standard internet attack mode whenever judges rule against her—see “Punishing the judges” below.) Cummins filed a completely nonsensical “petition for rehearing” which, of course, was quickly denied.  As usual, this caused the troll to go ballistic. She immediately launched personal attacks on the appeals court justices, accusing one of them of committing “perjury,lying about her age, and exhibiting “signs of early dementia.

Criminal perjury?

Before the court of appeals handed down its decision, Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals had blogged about wanting to purchase property in Costa Rica and turn it into a “visitor tour center.” She said “I have done a ton of research into Costa Rican real estate in the last year.” “As soon as I get the Texas opinion I can leave (for Costa Rica) in a month.” As recently as December, 2017 the troll has stated under oath that she is “penniless, legally homeless and has no assets.” Her victims wonder how an unemployed, penniless troll that does not own a business or company would be able to travel internationally, purchase real estate in Costa Rica, develop a tourist center there, and drive a nice Prius, after repeatedly swearing under oath that she is “indigent” and does not have any assets or income. This “penniless and homeless” troll who laughably says she is “awaiting back surgery” posted the following in response to someone who wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands: “I learned to scuba; soooo worth it; I’ll go with you.” Apparently, scuba diving trips to South America are free for penniless, homeless people, and climbing in and out of a dive boat with a 40-pound scuba tank and dive gear is no problem for a bad back that has been “awaiting surgery” since 2012.

Mary Cummins, who has testified that other people have to buy food for her so she doesn’t go hungry, had these recommendations for investors after trump took office: “Go long on bank stocks until real estate starts to peak, peak. Then short banks, bundled loan derivatives. Make money on the up and down while poor people lose their homes.” This “penniless” troll’s plan to make money off poor people losing their homes is no surprise, of course, given her general contempt for humanity and her obsession with destroying people who help animals.

The Tarrant County District Attorney and Grand Jury will be very interested in these statements and several others made by a person who forced the county to furnish her with a free trial transcript by swearing under oath that she was “indigent.” The DA and Grand Jury are also going to be extremely interested in Cummins’ bank and PayPal records showing her finances at the time she was swearing under penalty of perjury that she was indigent.

Mary Cummins flirts with and attempts to influence Supreme Court justices

After losing at the district court and the Texas Court of Appeals, Mary Cummins appealed to the Supreme Court of Texas. Incredibly, the not-too-bright troll actually began foolishly flirting with and attempting to influence the supreme court justices on Twitter. For example, she gushed to one of the justices about how “fair and brilliant” he is, how he is a “winner,” how “precious and cute” his daughter is—“What an adorable little girl, her voice is so cute!“—and how “extremely well-written and loving” his legal opinions are, Watch the red meat intake, we need you to be a judge at least 50 more years 😉” and “What did y’all eat?“—trying to sound like a Texan in hopes that the Texas courts are so petty and corrupt that a justice would actually rule in favor of an adoring fan if he thought she was from Texas. During just a five-day period while her petition for review was pending before the court the troll sent the justice 22 tweets. A sample of Mary Cummins’ gushing tweets to one of the Supreme Court justices may be viewed here. Cummins included in her tweets to that justice a thirty-year-old photograph of herself to make him think that is how she looks today. Mary Cummins’ cynical belief that she could sway a supreme court justice with compliments, flirtatious tweets, and a photograph of herself when she was 30 years younger was no surprise coming from a troll that has bitterly attacked “the American justice system” and claims she is “writing a book about corruption and cronyism in the Texas courts.” In late August, 2015 Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates and Cummins Real Estate Appraisals began tweeting all the other justices who have Twitter accounts.  The troll tweeted to one of the justices that the justice’s dogs were Too cute!” and I see puppy tongue, no french kisses 😉

The flirting and fawning didn’t work

Needless to say, the Supreme Court of Texas denied the troll’s frivolous appeal and upheld the $6 million judgment against her without even requesting a response from Amanda’s attorneys. It only takes one justice to request a response to a petition for review. This means that all nine justices read the troll’s petition but it was such an asinine diatribe that not a single justice was even curious how Amanda’s attorneys might respond to her gibberish. The entire court agreed with the Court of Appeals opinion. In other words, it was a unanimous slap-down of the troll. It seems that Mary Cummins’ foolish flirting and fawning over the justices did not pay off as she had hoped. Cummins’ victims laughingly wondered if she still felt the same way about the justice to whom she had previously tweeted, “We need you to be a judge for at least 50 more years” and “We need more super heroes on the Supreme Court of Texas.” The troll learned the stupid way that the Supreme Court of Texas is not petty and corrupt as she had hoped. Her victims hilariously wondered if Mary Cummins would continue flirting with the Texas Supreme Court justices and saying “y’all” in the future. (She didn’t, of course. She went ballistic and began viciously attacking them. See next paragraph).

Mary Cummins explodes

When Mary Cummins found out she lost at the Supreme Court, she erupted in an uncontrolled rage, furiously blogging and tweeting about how “corrupt” the Texas courts are (just like the California courts—see “Corruption in the Courts” paragraph below), how “evil” and “unethical” the judges and attorneys are, how the court said “animal cruelty is fine,” how they “accept bribes and will do courtroom favors for favors in return,” etc. Here are examples of her angry tweets after losing. She apparently changed her mind about the justice to whom she had been sending flirtatious tweets. After Mary Cummins lost she angrily tweeted: “How will he explain to (his children) his unethical, corrupt job and unjust rulings?” “Justice Willett promotes listeria infected Blue Bell ice cream,” “Unbecoming for a Supreme Court Justice, making a mockery of the position” and “You’re clearly biased against non-Texans.” Here are a few more examples of Cummins’ angry tweets. So much for her prior gushing tweets about how “fair and brilliant” his opinions are and “we need you to be a judge at least fifty more years.” Mary Cummins immediately intensified her non-stop psychotic attacks on the judges, justices, judicial system, court clerk, coordinator, bailiff, State of Texas, governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, attorneys, Amanda, Randy, their family members, etc. The troll—who has ominously bragged that she is armed and dangerous—even threatened in a tweet that, “I must harness this energy into trying to find justice through the legal world; I have a few more options; after I have explored those options, I will consider other options. This is not the end.” Law enforcement authorities in California and Texas have been alerted. Mary Cummins informed Randy in a ranting email that she found his wife’s and his social security numbers and ominously threatened: “I assume you wouldn’t want your SSN, driver’s license numbers shared with the public, posted online.” (See Victim’s Social Security Numbers paragraph below.) The FBI and Los Angeles Police Department have been notified and other precautions have been taken in the event Mary Cummins decides to go through with the crime.

When the Supreme Court finished stomping the troll’s final appeal and the champagne-filled victory celebrations were over, Amanda and her forensic accounting teams in Texas and California began analyzing Mary Cummins’ bank and PayPal records. These and other records which were obtained with subpoenas uncovered a major source of her income which will soon be seized with turnover orders from the Texas and California courts. Also, as a result of newly-discovered evidence in these records very serious new investigations were launched that cannot be discussed here.

Debtor’s court

As of April, 2020 the troll still owes over $12 million. Post-judgment interest is accruing at the rate of $51,166.77 per month or 1,676.99 per day! In May 2017 investigators finally located Mary Cummins and served her with an Order to Produce Statement of Assets and to Appear for Examination. She was ordered to appear in California Debtor’s Court  on September 18, 2017 where she was to be grilled under oath about everything she owns, her income, assets, vehicles, expenditures, monthly living expenses, inheritance, trust funds, and all bank accounts she has access to.  Her assets would be seized shortly thereafter. One of the troll’s Russian victims recently joined Amanda’s collection team and has hired one of California’s top collection attorneys to enforce the judgment. Mary Cummins is beginning to realize that there is no way for her to wiggle out of paying the entire judgment since it was upheld by the Supreme Court of Texas, the court of last resort. The only way she can avoid Debtor’s Court or the seizure of her assets is to pay the entire judgment.  The troll has accurately described the $12 million judgment as “a lifelong financial death sentence.”

The troll did not appear in Debtor’s Court as ordered and a bench warrant was issued for her arrest. On October 12, 2017 Cummins lost her ridiculous “motion to quash the debtor hearing” and immediately launched a scathing internet attack on the judge, a new California lawyer, and “the American justice system.” She bitterly complained that the lawyer, “lied to the judge, forged documents, etc.” In other words, her standard polemic. The troll was also furious that the judge denied her absurd request to be driven to the courthouse by a chauffeur. Now she will have to drive her own car to all future hearings in Debtor’s Court—just like the judge, the lawyers, the bailiff, and the court reporter.

Cummins files for bankruptcy

In a desperate—but laughable—attempt to avoid paying the $12 million judgment, Mary Cummins filed for bankruptcy. If she had simply asked someone to show her how to do a Google search she could have easily discovered that court judgments for malicious torts like defamation cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. But she didn’t, so when she filed she was immediately met with an annihilating adversary complaint objecting to her frivolous bankruptcy and requesting attorney’s fees. Of course, this destroyed any fantasy she may have had of getting bankruptcy relief. The federal complaint exposes a few of the troll’s brainless antics to avoid paying the judgment and may be read here.  Needless to say, the bankruptcy judge ruled that the $12 million judgment against Cummins will not be discharged in bankruptcy and will remain due and owing.  Although Mary Cummins filed repeated frivolous requests for “rehearing” and ” reconsideration” and numerous appeals, they were, of course, summarily denied by the court.  After all of Cummins’ legal challenges and appeals in the bankruptcy court had been thrown out, she filed a bizarre “Notice of Errata” with the court claiming that the father in law of another one of her victims “was in the Russian military in Ukraine overseeing the last violent military occupation in the 1990’s” and that Amanda most likely “promised removal of articles of public concern about him” if the victim “aided” her.  The end of Cummins’ legal challenges means  that aggressive collection efforts against her will resume soon—subpoenaing financial records, seizing property and bank accounts, Debtor’s Court, turnover order to trustee, etc.  As a Scottish poet once wrote, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” The “lifelong financial death sentence” that Mary Cummins says she received in Texas really is for the rest of her life, with no possible escape.

Mary Cummins’ internet attack campaigns

After the troll lost the defamation trial in district court, she launched comprehensive internet attack campaigns smearing everyone she apparently now blames for her miserable life—Randy, Amanda Lollar, Judge Brigham, Judge Sudderth, Eric Shupps (the IT expert who testified at trial), and even the process server who served her with the lawsuit papers. Mary Cummins later added Amanda’s California lawyers, two California judges, two Texas county court at law judges, a court reporter, a Texas Court of Appeals justice and all Supreme Court justices to her obsessive vendetta. She has created countless websites, blogs, tweets, and social media postings designed to destroy these people’s reputations and ruin them on the internet.  One of Mary Cummins’ attack strategies is to publish as much personal information as she is able to dig up about her victims and their families, along with her nasty commentary about that information. (This is known as “doxing“; see paragraph below.) Here is a small sampling of the personal information about her victims that Mary Cummins has dug up and posted on the internet:

Her victims’ home addresses; dates of birth; their children’s names, birth dates and school district; their spouses’ names, birth dates and employers; monthly income; information about their parents; a brother’s suicide; family medical history; court records from a bankruptcy 26 years ago; food preferences; marriage and divorce information; schools attended; non-profit boards that a spouse serves on; amount of home mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and utilities; bank records; a judge’s personal hobby; high school yearbook photographs; names of siblings; home remodeling photos; property values; veterinary records of pets; and many other items of personal information.

Unemployed Mary Cummins obsessively trolls the internet, day and night, looking for blogs, news stories, and discussions where she can post hateful, vicious comments and personal information about her victims. This troll ominously broadcast over the internet that she has Amanda’s, Randy’s and his wife’s social security numbers. (They have safeguards in place in case Mary Cummins’ plan is to sell them to the highest bidder or use them to commit identity theft.)  Mary Cummins has even been known to spend weeks at the courthouse, stalking a trial in which one of her victims was a witness and then “reporting” on his use of the bathroom.  She posted on the internet that Randy’s son is adopted.  Of course there is only one reason why a person would do this. Fortunately, Randy’s son already knew he was adopted. When Mary Cummins was unable to dig up any negative material about Randy, she concocted outrageous, bizarre, and sometimes despicable lies about him and posted them all over blogs, websites, and social media pages in an obsessive effort to destroy his reputation. This is her standard operating procedure.

Sadly, on Thanksgiving Day 2013 when most normal people were enjoying time with their families, Mary Cummins spent the day feverishly creating a new rambling blog attacking Amanda, her husband, Randy, a retired police officer in Pennsylvania, and an artist in New York, accusing all of them of “supporting animal cruelty,” being “mentally ill,” and “harassing, stalking and defaming me.” Alas, Mary Cummins’ regular victims—Amanda, her husband and Randy—are all too familiar with these standard ad nauseam attacks which are straight out of the troll’s playbook. Unfortunately, the police officer and the artist will have to learn how to live with being viciously attacked and defamed on the internet.

Mary Cummins’ occupation: “causing havoc on the web”

This 65-year-old internet menace has described her occupation as “causing havoc on the web.”  In other words, she is an “internet troll.” Since Mary Cummins is not employed and does not own any type of business or company she is able to devote her life to this peculiar occupation which consists of endlessly spewing hate and lies about her victims with her daily blogs and tweets. She resigned from “Animal Advocates” in 2012. Mary Cummins uses her skills as a professional search engine optimizer to make sure the blogs and pages she creates attacking her victims appear high in search engine results. For example, the entire bottom half of her pages consist of dozens of strategically selected key words and phrases. She also inserts high value key words into her page titles, descriptions, and HTML and links the pages to each other.  These SEO techniques insure that Mary Cummins’ attack pages and blogs appear at or near the top of Google searches, thus inflicting maximum possible damage to her victims’ online presence. She even included Russian words in a blog about one of her victims who is married to a Russian woman so that her attacks on him will be read in his wife’s home country by her friends and relatives. Mary Cummins has not worried about being sued for defamation because she thought she knew how to hide her money from judgment creditors after being hit with a $6 million court judgment for defamation. However, she learned how badly mistaken she was when she failed in her desperate attempt to block the seizure of her bank account and a subpoena of all her bank records. In June of 2014 Amanda received her first check for several thousands of dollars from the sheriff who has begun liquidating Mary Cummins’ bank accounts to satisfy the defamation judgment. Inheritance and trust funds are next.

Mary Cummins is an infamous doxer

In addition to stalking, trolling, suing, and attacking her victims, this unemployed internet menace uses “doxing” in an attempt to embarrass them by publicizing personal details about their lives and their families. “Doxing” (from “Dox,” abbreviation of Documents) is defined as “searching for and publishing private or identifying information about an individual or organization on the internet, typically with malicious intent.” It is a form of punishment or revenge that is favored by many cyber trolls. For example, Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals, has dug up the following information and documents pertaining to her victims and posted them on the internet:

Bankruptcy records of several victims, including one from 26 years ago; court records of traffic citations; photos of the inside a victim’s home; victim’s children’s names, birth dates, and school district; a victim’s brother’s arrest record and suicide; the losing record of a victim’s football team when he was in high school decades ago; death certificate; sexual orientation of a victim’s daughter; city records pertaining to victims’ properties; home addresses and birth dates; a victim’s income; link to victim’s financial records; victim’s family tree; a photo of victim’s spouse; information about grandparents; parents’ divorce; mother’s remarriage; brothers; stepsisters; extracurricular activities and social life while in high school; information about the victim’s religion and ethnicity; copies of medical and pilot’s licenses; bank records; veterinary records of victim’s pets; property taxes, insurance and utilities; high school yearbook photographs; food preferences; and boards of directors that a victim’s spouse serves on. These examples are a tiny fraction of the troll’s relentless doxing over the years.

Psychotic break or planning for future lawsuits?

On July 27, 2015 Mary Cummins, aka The Roach, proclaimed on her Facebook page that she is a “news personality“… whatever that means. Amateur psychologists speculate that she may have suffered a psychotic episode and now actually believes she is a celebrity television newscaster named “Trixie.” This unemployed cyber troll has also begun hilariously calling herself an “investigative reporter.” The majority of her victims say these are obviously farcical attempts to look like a member of the “media,” as if such self-designations will somehow transmogrify her legal status from internet troll to journalist and give her greater legal protection against future defamation lawsuits. In other words, “If I call myself a ‘news personality’ and an ‘investigative reporter’ then I will be a ‘media defendant’ the next time I get sued for defamation.” This is consistent with Mary Cummins’ laughable disclaimer on her defamatory blogs stating, “Everything is the truth to the best of my knowledge…the rest is my personal opinion and belief…these are items of public interest and concern…everything is public information,” etc., as if such self-serving declarations somehow immunize her from liability for defamation. In other words, “If I announce in advance that everything I say is protected speech or true then I can defame anyone I want with impunity.” Alas, the troll’s google-knowledge of the law of defamation resulted in a $6 million bankruptcy-proof judgment against her and an official court ruling that she is a “malicious” liar.

Wikipedia blocks Mary Cummins

Wikipedia got so fed up with this internet troll’s repeated attempts to attack Amanda on their site that they blocked her from posting anything on Wikipedia about Amanda Lollar or Bat World. Of course Mary Cummins was livid. She angrily railed at a Wikipedia administrator, “Why are you stalking me here? I need a copy of the page you deleted.” (It seems that everyone Mary Cummins comes into contact with “stalks” her, “harasses” her, “defames” her, or all three—see paragraphs under “Psychotic babbling” below). This is indeed ironic coming from a woman who stalks her victims’ emails (see “Stalking” paragraph below), who files police reports against them, creates countless blogs and tweets attacking them, sues them, and was ordered by a court to pay $6 million for “egregious and malicious” defamation. During one of her rants against Wikipedia Mary Cummins inexplicably started yammering about “crappy horror movies” and her sister. Wikipedia responded to her bizarre ravings by telling her: “It doesn’t seem like you’re getting the message; let me see if I can phrase it more clearly. You have agreed to post nowhere on Wikipedia, whether on an article, a talk page, a user page, anywhere, about this issue and these people,” and “A very quick way to earn a permanent block would be to get someone to be your stalking horse and do so for you.” After heated arguments and Mary Cummins’ grudging promise to stop posting about Amanda and Bat World, Wikipedia finally agreed to unblock her.  In one last jab Mary Cummins snapped at the administrator, “I am not posting about BWS on wiki. Enough said, buddy.”

Mary Cummins creates fake “Wikipedia” page

In the summer of 2014 Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates” created a fake Wikipedia page about herself. She uses the name “Wikipedia” in her URL and the Wikipedia format to make it appear real. Some of the troll’s victims speculate that Wikipedia must have kicked her off their site and she created the fake page out of desperation. Wikipedia previously told Cummins: “We’ve deleted your sandbox; don’t recreate it with a self-promoting article about you, or you risk being blocked.” Not surprisingly, Mary Cummins lavishes praise upon herself on her phony Wikipedia page and lists some trivial “awards” and “honors” she claims she received.  However, her fake page does not mention the fact that her real occupation is “causing havoc on the web,” that she resigned from “Animal Advocates” in 2012, is unemployed, does not own any type of business or company, owes $12 million to one of her victims for “egregious, intentional, and malicious” defamation, and secretly stalks other people’s emails (see next paragraph). She also does not mention any of her frivolous lawsuits that have been thrown out of court or any of the blogs and websites that her victims have created about her. (See last paragraph below.) Like all of Mary Cummins’ other blogs and websites, her fake Wikipedia page includes a decades-old photograph of herself that she likes to circulate on the internet, providing a bit of comic relief for her victims.

Stalking her victims’ emails and websites

Mary Cummins uses highly advanced cyber-stalking technology to secretly track her victims’ locations and identify the computers they are using when they read their emails. She also secretly tracks the personal emails that her victims send to others so she can learn the identities of the recipients of those emails.  In an attempt to intimidate her current victims with her email-stalking abilities Mary Cummins posted the following on the internet:

After I sent (an email) to Randy Turner he read it on his iPhone in Lindale, Texas. He then forwarded it to Amanda Lollar in Mineral Wells, Texas nine minutes later. Amanda Lollar sent it to her other ISP then she sent it to Randy Turner who read it on his iPhone and then he read it on his desktop at his house. Then Dean Rocco (Amanda’s California attorney) opened it this morning in L.A. He then replied to Randy Turner who opened it on his desktop at Bailey & Galyen and back again.”

“Amanda Lollar has been emailing her attorney Randy Turner about this today back and forth a few times. Amanda emails him at night. He of course reads her email at 8:00 p.m. while he’s at home.”

Secretly stalking other people’s emails is only one small example of the extreme lengths to which this mentally unbalanced troll will go in her obsessive pursuit of her victims. Counter measures have been implemented by her current victims to prevent Mary Cummins from stalking future emails, hacking into or infecting their computers with viruses, or stealing their identities.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals also uses a service that secretly stalks her victims’ websites and immediately notifies her of any changes that have been made to their websites. She then blogs about those changes. As recently as October 14, 2016 the troll actually admitted cyber-stalking one of her victims’ websites by using “an independent robot which monitors (the victim’s) website.”

Stalking and blackmailing a philanthropist?

Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates,””Cummins Real Estate Services,” and “Cummins Appraisal Services” does not limit her obsessive internet attacks to those with whom she is involved in litigation. For reasons unknown, in the fall of 2013 the troll unleashed a global internet smear campaign, including hundreds of pages of blogs, furiously attacking Dr. Gary Michelson, a philanthropist and friend of animals who established the Found Animals Foundation. As usual, Mary Cummins accused him of being mentally ill. (According to Mary Cummins, virtually all of her victims are mentally ill—see “Mentally Ill People” below.) In the middle of one 27-page rambling attack on the philanthropist she bizarrely started babbling about tampons and having to “go back to pads or I’ll be forced to get a tattoo. Then she included a five-step diagram showing how to insert a tampon. As usual, one of her main harassment techniques was to publicize as much personal information about her victim and his family as she was able to dig up, along with her usual nasty commentary about that information. She posted the philanthropist’s family tree; a photo of his wife; information about his grandparents; his parents and their divorce; his mother’s remarriage; his wife; child; brothers; stepsisters; birth dates; his upbringing; extracurricular activities and social life while in high school; vicious, nonsensical blabbering about his mannerisms; religion and ethnicity; copies of his medical and pilot’s licenses; his high school yearbook photo; his dog’s name; etc. etc. Mary Cummins even spent weeks at a California courthouse, stalking a trial in which the philanthropist was a witness and then weirdly “reporting” on how he would go “to the bathroom between sessions” and how close his body came to hers when he exited the bathroom (eg: “he was two feet to my left when he walked out of the bathroom.“) It is not known if Mary Cummins stalks and blogs about other men going to the bathroom or just this particular male victim. This twisted troll has been obsessively blogging about the philanthropist and his family for over 4 years. On January 28, 2017 she wrote in her blog that the philanthropist’s wife lied about being a journalist and that Cummins “will find out” if his wife “ever became a citizen.” Mary Cummins has time for endless obsessive stalking and blogging like this because she is not employed and does not own any type of business or company. She resigned from “Animal Advocates” in 2012.

On Thanksgiving Day 2014, while most Americans were giving thanks with their families and friends, the troll spent her day writing a vitriolic 4-page screed attacking the philanthropist’s generous charitable gift to the University of Southern California. For unemployed Mary Cummins Thanksgiving was just another boring Thursday spent in front of a computer screen—alone—blogging about one of her victims. Because of the philanthropist’s prominence and Mary Cummins’ history of filing frivolous lawsuits, along with the fact that she has no discernible source of income, many of her victims are convinced that her motive is to blackmail him into paying her money to remove her attack blogs about him and his wife from the internet.

The troll began 2015 with a blog fiercely attacking the philanthropist for making a donation to Twenty Million Minds Foundation, a non-profit organization he founded that provides a digital textbook library to struggling college students who cannot afford to buy textbooks.

Attacking animal rescue organizations

This unemployed 67-year-old internet troll is pathologically obsessed with attacking animal rescue organizations on the internet. No one knows why she does this. Here are just a few examples:  In early winter of 2013 Mary Cummins launched a vicious internet attack on the head of a non-profit organization called Never Cry Wolf Rescue and Adoptions According to their website they, “rescue and nurture wolves and wolf-hybrids that have been abused or abandoned.”  Mary Cummins decided to furiously attack this person in her blogs, accusing him of, “lies and fraud,” being a “con man,” “defaming and libeling me,” etc. In other words, the standard Mary Cummins vitriol; only her victim’s name had changed.

The troll’s next victim that year was the founder and chairman of Wildhorse Ranch Rescue, a non-profit organization whose mission is, “to save animals from abuse, neglect, slaughter and premature death and provide a safe place for them to live the remainder of their lives.” A few days before Christmas Mary Cummins debuted a fierce attack campaign against the founder and her organization, spewing her usual venomous lies—they “promote animal cruelty,” “defame me,” commit “tax evasion,” etc.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals next launched an internet attack on the head of a non-profit organization called The Cat House on the Kings, a no-cage, no-kill cat sanctuary and adoption center. According to Huffington Post, it is the “world’s largest no-kill cat sanctuary” and “has saved more than 20,000 feline friends.” The reasons for Mary Cummins’ attack on this person are unknown. It was most likely due to uncontrollable jealousy on the troll’s part over the organization receiving national publicity.

Mary Cummins, formerly of “Animal Advocates,” began 2014 with an all-out internet attack on a non-profit farm animal sanctuary known as Gentle Barn.  It is “A Sanctuary Where Animals Heal and Children Learn to Hope.” In 2015 Gentle Barn was named “Non-Profit of the Year” by VegNews magazine. Mary Cummins’ attack accuses them of the usual “donor fraud,” “corruption,” “labor law violations,” etc. An excellent article the magazine did about Gentle Barn’s founder may be read here.

Most of Mary Cummins’ non-lawsuit victims are associated with animal rescue in some way. Although no one can be certain how she selects her non-lawsuit victims for internet attacks or what her motives are, the prevailing theory among amateur psychologists is that she targets people who help animals because she envies them and resents the public recognition and respect they receive. According to this theory, Mary Cummins is driven by chronic feelings of inadequacy and pathological jealousy.  Of course this—and a thirst for revenge—are what motivated her original attack on world-renowned Amanda Lollar and Bat World. This theory would explain Mary Cummins’ strange need to make YouTube videos of herself clutching screaming baby animals with her bare hands. These videos are most likely a desperate plea for attention—sort of a “Look at me, I can rescue animals too!!” Another popular theory is that unemployed Mary Cummins is simply a 67-year-old, unmedicated sociopath, consumed with hate, who sits alone in front of a computer screen 16 hours a day trying to destroy people who help animals.

Attacking her own (dead?) mother

Even Mary Cummins’ own mother is not immune from her vindictive smear campaigns.  In the winter of 2013 Cummins decided to roll out a blistering internet attack on her mother, accusing her of, “fraud,” being a “tax cheat,” “property tax fraud,” “stealing,” “forgery” (another one of her favorite accusations which she has also alleged against Amanda and Randy), “making illegal and unpermitted” additions to her home, “stealing from my grandmother;” etc. Clinical psychologists can only speculate as to why Mary Cummins felt compelled to tell the world how much she hates her mother right before the holidays. Interestingly, prior to this savage attack, the troll had claimed her mother was dead and that Amanda had, “pretended to be my dead mother.” (Mary Cummins has also claimed that “my mother pretended to be my grandmother” and “my sister sued me pretending to represent my dead grandmother.”) This apparent confusion over whether her mother is alive or dead could be an ominous sign of hallucinatory schizophrenia or other delusional pathology.  

A book and movie about Mary Cummins

A team of volunteer amateur psychologists has methodically researched and studied Mary Cummins aka Mary Cummins-Cobb on the internet. After scientifically analyzing their findings, they diagnosed three pathological conditions listed in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Their diagnoses are expertly documented and discussed in detail in a fascinating book Amanda has written about Mary Cummins titled, “The Self-Destruction of a Malignant Cyberstalker—And How a Victim Beat Her Out of $6 Million,”  with a foreword by Randy. It includes an unauthorized biography of Mary Cummins comparing statements she has made about her past with reality, chapters about her attack blogs, tweets and websites, photographs (actual and photoshopped), interviews with people she has victimized over the years, government records about “Animal Advocates” and her resignation from that organization in 2012, her penchant for fast food and lip plumping, along with a detailed compendium of the lawsuits Cummins has been involved in, both as a plaintiff and as a defendant. There is also a chapter on the legal issues involved in cyber-stalking, trolling, doxing, and internet defamation. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the book’s expected release date has been delayed until the fall of 2024. Readers will be able to pre-order the Kindle version or an autographed copy  of the book on Amazon.com. It will be available in audio form on Audible.com. Amanda recently concluded a deal with a well-known Hollywood producer for the sale of the movie rights. All proceeds from sales of books and movie rights will be donated to Bat World Sanctuary.

Stalking a war hero in a nursing home?

During a deposition, this malicious troll repeatedly asked Amanda where her elderly father lived and which nursing home he was in. Amanda, quite understandably, repeatedly refused to tell her.  This caused Mary Cummins aka Mary Cummins-Cobb aka The Roach to angrily announce in frustration, “I reserve the right to depose Ms. Lollar again to get the name of the nursing home!!!” After the deposition, Mary Cummins went back inside her shack and bizarrely posted on the internet, I’ve known where he is living for over a year.This begged several questions. Why did this unemployed troll want to know where Amanda’s disabled dad lived? Why did she go to the trouble a year earlier to find out where he lived? Why did she pretend she didn’t know where he was? Amanda’s father had absolutely nothing to do with Mary Cummins or the lawsuit. Major Luther Lollar was a kind and gentle man, quietly spending the last part of his life in a nursing home.  He was a highly decorated WWII and Vietnam combat veteran who had saved the lives of many fellow soldiers in battle.  He was a true American hero.  And he was none of Mary Cummins’ business. Mary Cummins’ sinister announcement that she knew his location was clearly intended as a threat. This deranged troll’s sick obsession with Amanda’s vulnerable father terrified Amanda, especially given another post where Mary Cummins crowed, “I have a gun with hollow points; I bought this one for shooting at close range; I can instantly drop someone with this gun and these bullets.” Amanda had no way of knowing what this depraved lunatic had in mind for her disabled dad. The fact that a tormented, mentally unstable person like Mary Cummins was able to somehow obtain a handgun is yet another example of why this country desperately needs stricter gun control laws. In the troll’s own words, she is now “armed and dangerous.”

Attacking a disabled man in an assisted living facility

One tactic that Mary Cummins of Cummins Appraisal Services uses to punish Randy for hitting her with a $6 million judgment is to attack his friends, family and others on the internet.  For example, in August 2014 Randy represented a severely disabled man in a lawsuit against the assisted living facility in which he was living. When the troll learned that this lawsuit had received some publicity, she immediately began viciously attacking Randy’s client and telling preposterous lies about him on Facebook and in comments to newspaper stories about the lawsuit, saying he had been “arrested” while he was an inpatient at a local hospital.  (He was in a hospital bed with a feeding tube in his stomach, recovering from major surgery at the time Mary Cummins says he “beat up” someone and was “arrested” for “assault.”)  As usual, Mary Cummins concocted this ridiculous lie and smeared yet another innocent victim as part of her ongoing vendetta to punish Randy. The newspaper where she was posting her nasty comments got so tired of repeatedly removing them that it finally barred all further comments. Mary Cummins of Cummins Appraisal Services began repeatedly contacting the assisted living facility and its attorneys to annoyingly harangue them about Randy and his client. (It was obvious to them that she is a total nut case and they ignored her.) The  troll also began insanely accusing the disabled man, who uses a walker to get around, of “harassing, stalking, and defaming me.” She even called the local police department in the disabled man’s town, which is over 1,300 miles from where she lives, and complained that he was “harassing” her.  The police went to see him in his little room at the assisted living facility but when they learned about this notorious troll and how she harasses her victims by complaining about them to the police they apologized for their visit. They kindly assured the disabled man that if Mary Cummins makes any more such calls they will charge her with the criminal offense of making a false report to a police officer—a crime punishable by up to six months in jail after extradition to Texas.

Punishing the Texas trial court judges

This unemployed internet troll does not tolerate judges who rule against it.  The first judge on the Texas case, who presided over a few pretrial matters, was ferociously attacked in Mary Cummins’ blogs and tweets as being “unethical,” “corrupt,” “immoral,” “a liar,” and “a perjurer,” who was “gaming the system.” The troll tweeted that the judge “wanted to brag about how corrupt she is“—just like Randy, who “bragged about how corrupt he is.” (In Cummins’ twisted mind corruption is something to brag about.) She also started a web page attacking the judge’s family. Of course Cummins filed a motion to recuse the first judge from the case. When the Regional Presiding Administrative Judge denied her motion to recuse she accused that judge of committing “perjury” and being “corrupt.” A visiting judge, who presided over the four-day trial, bore the full brunt of Cummins’ rage. In addition to fiercely attacking Judge Brigham on the internet, Mary Cummins publicly posted a six-page rambling complaint that she said she filed against him with the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct almost a year after the trial. Cummins’ complaint was nothing more than another one of her sociopathic screeds, full of lies intended to ruin the judge. Needless to say, the Judicial Conduct Commission quickly determined that the allegations were completely fabricated by a disgruntled loser and promptly threw out the complaint without even telling Judge Brigham it had been filed. As usual, this caused the troll to ramp up her vicious attack campaign against the judge to punish him for ruling against her. For several years after her frivolous complaint against the judge was thrown out, Mary Cummins continued to blather about it on the internet, without mentioning that it was investigated and dismissed.  In addition to publishing new personal information and commentary about Judge Brigham’s family, Mary Cummins’ blogs rant about him, “cheating in court,” “committing fraud upon the court,” being “unethical, disgusting, and horrible,” and having a “feeble mind.”  It should be noted that Judge Brigham served as an FBI agent, district judge, and court of appeals justice and received numerous prestigious awards recognizing his integrity, knowledge of the law and distinguished service as a jurist.

Punishing the Texas Court of Appeals and Supreme Court Justices

When the troll lost her appeal at the Texas Court of Appeals she launched a vicious internet attack on the justices, accusing one of them of committing “perjury,lying about her age, and exhibiting “signs of early dementia.” Mary Cummins also blogged about a justices’ mother, brothers, son, family medical history, church, birth certificate, child-bearing, etc.  The troll is an investigator wannabe and spends hundreds of hours digging up personal details of her victims’ lives, going back to their childhoods; she then publicizes this information, along with lies she has concocted, as part of her attack-and-destroy strategy. After Mary Cummins was slapped down by the Court of Appeals she appealed her case to the Supreme Court of Texas. When she lost in the Supreme Court she began a series of relentless attacks on the supreme court justices, accusing them of being “corrupt,” “unethical,” “unjust,” accepting “bribes” and doing “courtroom favors for favors in return,” etc.  She even bizarrely accused Justice Willett of “promoting listeria infected Blue Bell ice cream.” Here is a sample of Mary Cummins’ rants about the Supreme Court justices. Here is another sample. It is breathtaking how quickly an unsuspecting victim who has somehow angered the troll can become the subject of hundreds of ugly attack blogs, tweets, and websites. (See “Other Victims of Mary Cummins” paragraph below.)

Punishing California Judge Goodson

Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates” and “Cummins Appraisal Services” also launched an extensive internet attack campaign against California Judge Carol Goodson who denied her absurd “application for a restraining order against Amanda. (See below). Cummins created a blog about the judge and published as much personal information about the judge’s family as she was able to dig up, including information about the judge’s father, husband, ex-husband, her daughter’s name and date of birth, a link to the judge’s financial records online, the judge’s income, information about the judge’s ex-husband’s new wife and daughter and their horse hobby, and much much more. Mary Cummins said the judge is “evil” and “crazy.” As usual—and consistent with her standard tactic of filing complaints against her victims with government agencies—Mary Cummins announced that she will “make a report to the judicial commission.”  Like her complaints against Judge Brigham and Amanda it will be thrown out, of course, but that doesn’t matter to the troll because the purpose is to harass and exact revenge by smearing the judge and destroying her reputation.

Punishing California Judge Hess

When the sheriff seized one of the troll’s bank accounts to pay part of the $7.8 million it owed Amanda Lollar at that time (the judgment is now up to $12 million due to post-judgment interest!) Cummins filed a frivolous motion in the California court to stop the money from going to Amanda. After patiently listening to Mary Cummins’ nonsensical tirade, Judge Robert Hess denied her motion, which prompted Cummins to quickly drive back to her shack and launch an all-out internet attack campaign against this judge. She prefaced her diatribe by saying, “In my years as a pro se (sic) I have learned a lot about the ‘justice’ system.” Then Mary Cummins fulminated about how the judicial system is “corrupt,” “crazy,” and “f….d up” and how Judge Hess “hates minorities, women, poor people, homosexuals and pro se’s.” And, as usual, Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate Appraisals accused the judge of suffering from a “mental illness.” In other words, it was the standard Mary Cummins vitriolic drivel. Her attack on the judicial system was quite ironic coming from someone who files so many frivolous lawsuits (see next few paragraphs.)

Filing complaints against judges, lawyers, court reporters, process servers, etc.

Mary Cummins’ life as an unemployed troll is dedicated to destroying anyone who makes her angry, including judges, lawyers, court reporters, and others in the legal system whenever she loses lawsuits.  In addition to doing everything possible to ruin their reputations on the internet by posting hundreds of false and defamatory accusations, this troll files criminal charges and frivolous complaints against them with law enforcement and government agencies.  For example, she filed complaints with the Texas Judicial Conduct Commission against two judges, a complaint with the Texas Judicial Branch Certification Commission against a court reporter, a complaint with the State Bar of Texas against Randy, and she complained to the Tarrant County Bar Association about her own lawyer.  Mary Cummins also called the Fort Worth Police Department to accuse Randy of fraud, forgery and theft.  Of course, each and every malevolent complaint the troll has ever filed has been dismissed by the authorities as false and fraudulent.

All frivolous lawsuits in federal court thrown out

This unemployed internet troll is extremely litigious and when she was sued by Amanda and Bat World she quickly started filing multiple frivolous lawsuits against them to get revenge. Of course no lawyer will represent Mary Cummins in these personal vendettas but, because she has been involved in over 20 lawsuits around the U.S. and has been sued at least four times for defamation, she is savvy enough to act as her own lawyer. In fact, Mary Cummins boasts—falsely of course—on her blog, “I always represent myself and I always win.” She filed a federal lawsuit in California against Amanda Lollar and three of her previous victims from many years ago along with ten anonymous “John Does,” alleging “defamation” and various idiotic legal theories she most likely found by doing a Google search. Incredibly, she even sued an IT expert who had testified against her at trial, claiming he “defamed” her and “inflicted emotional distress” on her. (His trial testimony actually was very compelling and probably did cause her some distress.) As usual, Mary Cummins’ retaliation lawsuit against this expert witness was quickly thrown out by the judge. And although she also tried desperately to convince the judge that her lawsuit against Amanda Lollar and her other victims was not frivolous, Mary Cummins’ entire revenge lawsuit was thrown out of court which, of course, infuriated her. All of her asinine claims against all victims were dismissed.  She tried to appeal the judge’s ruling but the Court of Appeals tossed out her ridiculous appeal.

Because her revenge lawsuit against Amanda was a loser, Mary Cummins decided to file a second retaliation lawsuit in California federal court against Amanda Lollar. In this second lawsuit she added 15 new defendants, including Bat World board members and 13 others no one had ever heard of, claiming that she had been wronged in various ways while she was at Bat World.  One of her sillier allegations was that she had accidentally bumped her head while trying to climb through an open window at Bat World almost two years earlier and it was somehow the fault of these 15 people who were not even in the same city when it supposedly happened. After ruling that Mary Cummins had acted in “bad faith,” the judge threw out all of her nonsensical allegations in this second frivolous lawsuit and then transferred her bump-on-the-head claim to a Texas court.  Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates demanded $500,000 in her farcical head-bump lawsuit—although she was never able to produce a single medical record or bill showing she actually saw a doctor for a bump on the head. The Texas judge, on his own and without being asked, promptly dismissed the 13 unknown victims from the lawsuit. Of course the judge also threw out Mary Cummins’ revenge claims against the Bat World board members and dismissed them from the lawsuit. They had nothing to do with Mary Cummins or her bogus head-bump claim and had been sued solely to harass and punish Amanda. The federal judge eventually dismissed all the imbecilic claims against Amanda and Bat World, thus ending the troll’s entire revenge lawsuit.

All frivolous lawsuits in state court thrown out

Predictably, not long after her first two moronic lawsuits against Amanda Lollar were thrown out of California federal court Mary Cummins decided to try her luck in state court and filed a third retaliation lawsuit against Amanda to get revenge, this time in California superior court. She sued to get a “restraining order” against Amanda—who lives over 1,300 miles away in Texas. (The only time Amanda had ever been to California was to attend a deposition in one of the prior harassment lawsuits Cummins had filed against her in that state.) As expected, after patiently listening to Mary Cummins’ rant in which she tried to justify her third frivolous lawsuit, the superior court judge not only threw it out, she also ordered Cummins to pay Amanda’s lawyers over $6,300 in attorney’s fees for having to waste their time on such a ridiculous lawsuit.  The fact that the judge ordered her to pay the other side’s attorney’s fees speaks volumes, since judges normally only do this in the most egregious cases of lawsuit abuse. This is a good example of how serial litigants like Mary Cummins who pervert and misuse the legal system to harass their victims inevitably end up paying a high price for their malevolence.

Of course the troll was apoplectic and within hours after the court’s ruling, she was back at her computer, savagely attacking and smearing the judge and posting personal information about the judge’s family on the internet. It seems she didn’t appreciate the judge throwing out her lawsuit and telling her to “get out there and start working to pay the judgment.”   In what Mary Cummins’ victims would call a gross understatement, the judge also informed her that both she and her application for a restraining order against Amanda were “annoying.” As usual after losing, the troll filed her standard frivolous “motion to reconsider” and motion to disqualify the judge. Mary Cummins always waits until after judges rule against her before deciding they are unqualified to preside over her lawsuits. And as usual, her frivolous motions were denied….which prompted Mary Cummins to quickly drive back to her shack and post that the judge has “major mental issues.”

Mary Cummins then launched a world-wide internet smear campaign against Judge Goodson and Amanda’s California attorney and began posting on the internet all the personal information she was able to dig up about their families and children. Once again, the troll filed another frivolous appeal.  After reading Mary Cummins’ nonsensical “brief” and listening to her psychotic rant and foul mouth during oral argument the California Court of Appeal handed down its ruling on February 23, 2015 affirming the trial court and ordering Cummins to pay all of Amanda’s costs. This troll is learning the stupid way that frivolous lawsuits, motions, and appeals can become very expensive. As usual, Mary Cummins filed a “petition for rehearing” which was immediately denied. She then filed a nasty petition for review with the Supreme Court which, of course, was quickly denied.

Suing her neighbor

Unemployed Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates and Cummins Real Estate Appraisals has been filing bizarre lawsuits against her victims in state courts for many years, presumably in hopes that one of them will hit the jackpot so she can move out of her little shack without having to get a job. It will have to be a really large jackpot now because Amanda is entitled to the first $12 million of any winnings. The following are just three examples of her inane lawsuits: Mary Cummins once sued her neighbor, claiming he “took a sledge hammer to my house, stalked my husband and me, tried to stab my husband with a machete, and stabbed the hedge trimmers through the fence at me.”

Suing the CEO of Google who committed “violence”

On another occasion, when Mary Cummins-Cobb discovered something about herself on the internet she didn’t like, she actually sued the CEO of Google and tried to get a restraining order against him personally, claiming she was “hurt physically or emotionally” by things people said about her on the internet.  Her lawsuit against the CEO described him as being “6’3, 200 lbs, grey hair, blue eyes, male caucasion, age 55.” Incredibly, Cummins asked the court to order the Google CEO not to “harass, attack, strike, threaten, assault, hit, follow, stalk, destroy personal property, keep under surveillance, or block movements” and to “stay away from my home, my job or workplace and my vehicle.” She told the court she didn’t notify the CEO that she was trying to get a restraining order against him “because I was afraid that the violence would reoccur when I gave notice that I was asking for these orders.” Seriously??? The CEO of a $520 billion company committed “violence” against Mary Cummins? How? Did he beat her up? When? Why? And she was afraid the CEO would “stalk” or “assault” her or “destroy” her personal property if he found out she was suing him? The psychopathy never seems to end. Without studying her in a clinical setting amateur psychologists have been unable to determine whether Cummins suffers from hallucinations or if she has the cognitive ability to know she is lying. The troll’s insane lawsuit against the Google CEO may be viewed here. Of course the court immediately tossed it out the same day she filed it.

Suing the City of Los Angeles

Mary Cummins even sued the City of Los Angeles for “interference with business relations.” This is a favorite ridiculous allegation that this unemployed troll that does not own a business or company likes to put in her lawsuits—as if there were “business relations” that could be interfered with. For good measure Cummins also threw in a claim of “sexual harassment.” One can only speculate as to how the city interfered with an unemployed troll’s “business relations” at the same time it was “sexually harassing” her. Several humorous possibilities are suggested in Amanda’s book.  Mary Cummins apparently hoped to finally get rich quick with that fatuous lawsuit by claiming “general damages” of “$1-2 million.”  Needless to say, her frivolous lawsuit didn’t quite work out the way she hoped and the unemployed troll now lives alone in a small shack and swears she is “indigent” with a “net worth less than zero” at the age of 65. Interestingly, Mary Cummins did not try to get a restraining order against a man who, she claims, threatened to cut off her husband’s penis. (She later admitted under oath that she was never married.)  She did, however, try to get a restraining order against the CEO of Google who she said was “violent” towards her (see preceding paragraph.) The manifestations of mental illness go on and on and would take up too many pages to recount them all here.

Psychotic babbling by “Mary Cummins” 

Frustrated and apoplectic after losing all her lawsuits and appeals, Mary Cummins’ tirades have literally become psychotic. Her lunatic ravings on the internet, in court documents and in sworn depositions include the following public statements. In the textbook fashion of a paranoid sociopath Mary Cummins claims to be victimized by a multitude of her victims.


DEFAMERS: The president of an IT companydefamed me;” An employee of the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife is “libeling and defaming me;” The head of a horse rescue organization “defames me;” A disabled man in an assisted living facility is “defaming me;” “Ten John Does defamed me;” Amanda”defames me;” An engineer and others “have been defaming me;” A senior wildlife rehabilitation scientist at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife was “defaming me.” The head of a California wildlife sanctuary “defamed me;” A graduate of UCLA “is defaming me;” A person in Pennsylvania was “defaming me;” Randy “defames me;” The CEO of Google hosted blogs that “defamed me;” An animal rehabilitator in California “defamed me;” A business systems analyst defamed me;” An attorney in Los Angeles defamed me;” Ed Boks (the executive director of a humane society in Arizona) “is defaming me;” A newspaper reporter defamed me;A woman in New York was defaming me;” A retired international project manager defamed me;“A crazy rehabber in Ventura defamed me;” A voice-over artist “has been defaming me;” A total of 31 defamers. At least three other people besides Amanda Lollar have sued Mary Cummins for defamation.

STALKERS: A Wikipedia administrator was “stalking me;” Corporate shareholders “cyberstalked me;” “Amanda stalks me;” An attorney in California “cyberstalked me;” A newspaper editorial writercyberstalked me;” Professional stock promoters “cyberstalked me;” An artist was “stalking me;” Randy “stalks me;”  “My neighbor stalked me;” A lady “has been stalking us for the last few years;” A woman in Arlington, Texas and others “have been stalking me;” An entrepreneur in Los Angeles “is cyberstalking me online;” A disabled man in an assisted living facility is “stalking me;” A retired police officer was “stalking me;” Anonymous people have “cyberstalked me;” Ed Boks (the executive director of a humane society) “is stalking me;” Amanda’s husband was “stalking me;” There is “a crazy lady stalking me;” A woman who is “supposedly a dog groomer has been stalking me since 2002.” 19+ stalkers.  The definition of paranoia is here.

FRAUDS: Judge Brigham committed fraud upon the court;” Amanda’s law firms “encourage their lawyers to commit fraud upon the court;” A deputy district attorney “was committing fraud upon the court;” An associate attorney “committed fraud upon the court;” Randy “committed fraud upon the court;” Cummins’ mother committed “fraud; The head of a wolf sanctuary “committed fraud;“Los Angeles city employees commit fraud;” The director of a humane society committedfraud;A California lawyer committedfraud;” The head of an animal welfare foundation “committed fraud” and “bribes everyone;” A farm animal sanctuarycommitted donor fraud;” Bat World commits “donor fraud;” Dr. Gary Michelson (a famous inventor of medical devices) “committed fraud;” A hair design executive “committed bankruptcy fraud;” Two law firms in California “commit fraud;” “Amanda paid a man to commit fraud;” The judge “has to go along with the fraud;” “I was sued for securities fraud.” 15+ fraudsters.

ATTACKERS: A man in the Cayman Islands “said he was going to cut my husband’s penis up into tiny, little pieces;“Some veterinarians were threatening to kill us;” A man tried to stab my husband with a machete;” Amanda hired a hit manand “ordered a hit on me;” An orthopedic surgeon also “hired a hit man;” “Amanda encouraged convicted criminals to attack me;” Bat World’s Director of Special Projects and others “have been assaulting me;” A process server “assaulted me;” Randy “assaulted me while my lawyer was asleep;” “LAPD said they’d only file charges if I had broken bones or profuse bleeding;” A man “stabbed the hedge trimmers through the fence at me;” “My neighbor would sing my name over and over again in a high-pitched operatic voice on his front lawn” and “he started to tear my house down saying that the city ordered him to do that;” “I got death threats and crap instantly;” A woman who is supposedly a dog groomer has been attacking me since 2002…I am posting her public bankruptcy documents now;” “I beat the sh*t out of a guy in the Ralph’s parking lot;” “A bunch of people instantly threatened to kill me in disgusting ways;” “I suspect that Amanda ordered a Molotov cocktail and an M-80 that were found under my car.” 13+ attackers.

CORRUPTION IN THE COURTS: “We have a corrupt judicial system in the United States;” “Judges and justices accept bribes and will do courtroom favors for favors in return;” The judge “was going along with the DA’s sh*tty case;” “Randy bragged to me how very corrupt he and the judges are…and how he controls the courts and judges in Fort Worth, Texas;” Judge Bonnie Sudderth “wanted to brag about how corrupt she is;” “I personally believe that one of the jurors was a plant;” A California prosecutorwas intentionally lying to the court;” An appeals court justice in Texas “committed perjury;” “The DA filed a frivolous criminal case…;” “I lost the case because of corruption by the judges;” A judge in Texas “was gaming the system,” “Los Angeles city employees “commit perjury;” “Judges don’t care if a judge committed perjury;” “These are very corrupt people, besides evil;” The judge was given “a fraudulent appraisal;” A surgeontried to file a fraudulent criminal report;” “I wanted to report the district attorney for knowingly lying to the court” and “giving the court fraudulent documents;” “It is possible that Randy Turner’s wife got to a lawyer who works at the Court of Appeals and told that person what to write (in the court’s ruling);” “Our judicial system here in California is corrupt;” “I wrote the outline of a book about corruption, cronyism in the Texas courts;” A Texas district court judge is “unethical” and “cheats in court;” You can buy the DA, thereby buying the judges;” Justice Lee Ann Dauphinot (on the Texas Second Court of Appeals) “will have a starring role in my book about corruption in the Texas courts;” “Unethical texas judge justice who rubberstamp corruption to help animal abuser only because they are texan,” “Great thing about not being a judge justice I don’t have to lie cheat defraud be corrupt do favors harm and kill innocent people;” “I can only imagine what the judge did for the doctors in exchange for their campaign donations;” A county court at law judge “won’t care that it’s forged” because she is “extremely biased and prejudiced;” A senior wildlife rehabilitation scientist at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife “committed perjury” and “lied to a state judge” about Mary Cummins when Cummins appealed the denial of an exhibitor’s permit.

EVIL AMANDA: “Amanda murdered her baby,” “She is hiding from the law” (here is Amanda’s web site;) “The police actually told me to shoot her dead;” She posts pornography;She was institutionalized;” “She has forged quite a few documents;” “Amanda and her husband both have criminal records;” “The police told me that Amanda is a seriously mentally ill lesbian” and they “gave me her social security number;” “She can’t have a tiger;” “Amanda caused me to suffer garden variety emotional distress;” “She’s giving away the assets of Bat World;” Amanda “committed crimes” by “ordering a hit on meby a “paid thug”—just like the philanthropist who also “hired a hit man”; by “committing identity theft,” “forgery,” and “extortion,” by repeatedly telephoning Cummins with “death threats” after getting drunk on beer, and by “encouraging convicted criminals to attack me;” “She operates on conscious bats with no pain relief” and “her USDA permit was cancelled (Cummins was ordered to pay Amanda $6M for making these false animal cruelty accusations); “Amanda tried to break into my bank account;” Cummins is “living in fear” that “Amanda will have someone burn down my house and kill my animals;” “Amanda pretended to be my dead mother(and “my mother pretended to be my grandmother“); Amanda is “unethical, disgusting and horrible” (just like Judge Brigham who is also “unethical, disgusting, and horrible”); “It’s official–Amanda Lollar is going to jail for over a year;” “I would have to turn over my guns; then she could send someone to my house to kill me knowing I would be defenseless;” “Dylan Roof, the mass murderer, had behavioral issues just like Amanda Lollar;” The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners “agreed with me” that Amanda committed animal cruelty (The Texas Vet Board’s sole function is to license and regulate veterinarians; it does not give opinions or make statements about non-veterinarians.) 12 felonies.

MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE: Judge Robert Hess, who ruled against Cummins, suffers from a mental illness;” Judge Carol Goodson, who ruled against Cummins, has “major mental issues;” Judge Bill Brigham, who ruled against Cummins, has “diminished faculties” and “a feeble mind;” Justice Dauphinot, who ruled against Cummins on appeal, is “exhibiting signs of early dementia;” A visiting judge who ruled against Cummins “was clearly losing his mental faculties;” “Amanda admitted under oath that she is mentally ill and vomits in court;” The illustrator of Bat World’s children’s book is “mentally ill;” A retired police officer in Pennsylvania is “mentally ill;” “The Los Angeles Police department told me that Amanda is a seriously mentally ill lesbian” and that the writer” of Randy’s webpage about Cummins is “severely mentally ill”; Amanda’s husband of ten years is mentally ill;” “Amanda also has a few mentally ill friends;” A journalist in California is “mentally ill;” A man Cummins used to work for ismentally ill;Dr. Gary Michelson, a highly respected orthopedic surgeon, is a “very sick…pathological megalomaniac with sadistic tendencies” and “a crazy sociopath;” “We are working with authorities to have a mentally ill person incarcerated;” Cummins was “attacked for two years” by a “schizophrenic crazy lawyer;” Amanda needs to be institutionalized;” The Los Angeles mayor’s office told Cummins that a well-known physician is “crazy;” Cummins thinks a California attorney she doesn’t like had a “brain tumor;” Randy and Amanda “write and act crazier than Elliot Roger who just killed seven people;” Randy and a former city council member both have a “brain disease;” Randy is “extremely mentally ill;” “I also have a crazy lady stalking me;”  A California attorney who questioned Cummins under oath had “what looked like a mental breakdown” and “took drugs.” 16+ mentally ill people.

BREASTS: An attorney in California “stares at my chest;” Randy “stares at my chest;” A man “talks to my boobs 80% of the time;” A man at a public event “stared at me with…an almost frightened expression as he looked at my chest;” “Amanda is a lesbian obsessed with my breasts;” “Last time I was flat chested I was seven;” “I was a C cup by age 11;“I hand wash my bras because I don’t want them to shrink;” “The reason you cannot see my breasts is an arm is covering them;” “After running around in a snug underwire bra all day long…I released the girls from their confinement;” “Amanda is flat-chested;” “She wants to be me but she is not.” Amateur psychologists have come up with various theories to explain Cummins’ obsession with her breasts and genitals (see next paragraph) and her strange compulsion to tell the world about them. These theories are analyzed in Amanda’s book.

“I’LL HAVE TO GO BACK TO (MENSTRUAL) PADS OR I’LL BE FORCED TO GET A TATTOO…” and other bizarre statements: Amanda demands my gynecological records;“My neighbor stared at my crotch;” Randy “stared at my crotch;” “My vagina is uninjured;”  Randy “wants my gynecological records;” Mary Cummins also posted on the internet a description of her genitals (It is unknown how long the troll has had this odd fascination with her own genitalia or why she thinks anyone could possibly want to read a nauseating description of them); A person “has been contacting me late at night stating disgusting sexual things;” A psychiatrist “told me that Amanda Lollar is in love with me;” “She has more wrinkles than I do;” “She’s more uneducated than dirt;” “She is shorter than me;” “She wants to be me;” “I was a member of Junior Mensa” (there is no such thing); I’m not missing one tooth;” “I’ve loved to get my blood tested for toxo;” “Four out of five dentists recommended not killing Cecil the lion” (This was Mary Cummins’ comment on the tragic news story about the famous lion in Zimbabwe that was killed by an American); “True ‘pin heads’ are mentally challenged;” “Pot mixed with cocaine is called a coco puff;” “Parsley and cilantro are very different in many ways, justice and corruption are also different;” I am armed and dangerous;” “Amanda Lollar caused me to suffer garden variety emotional distress;” “Destroy people’s lives or pumpkin lattes? Destroy lives then lattes;” “Turner charmed the appeals court justice” who ruled against Cummins; The Los Angeles City Attorney “stole my glasses;” “My mother pretended to be my grandmother;” “They instantly called me inexperienced, ill informed, stupid, evil, uneducated, vile;” An orthopedic surgeon threatens those he can’t bribe;“If my weight makes me a fatty fatso;” Amanda’s attorney’s high school football team had a “horrible record of 2 for 6,” whereas, “as a freshman I was on the varsity swim team;” “I posted a woman’s birthday because she lies about her age;” “A woman was found dead in William Shatner’s pool;” “They destroyed my complaint about the property;” A false report was filed “stating I had a whale in my home;” “I got death threats and crap instantly;” “First time I went to Kentucky the women were so nice to me I thought they were lesbians;” “I’m not a homosexual;” “Donald Trump just sent me a survey asking me to agree with him that the media is not fair and mean.”

HAIR: A photographer’s assistant “likes to talk about how ugly and bald I am;” “William Shatner is missing 90% of his hair;” “Burt Reynolds wears a (hair) piece;”  “I found Burt’s head mold which I took” (presumably to use as a wig holder)A witness at a trial Cummins stalked for weeks was described by her as, “his hair line is too low, which is abnormal…and shows signs of development problems;” “Randy dyes his hair the night before a hearing in order to charm the female judges;” “He charmed the trial court judge with his affections and would dye his hair and comb his hair repeatedly before going into her court.” Amateur psychologists speculate that Cummins’ obsession with other people’s hair may be due to a bitter personal struggle with androgenetic alopecia. This is discussed in Amanda’s book.

OBSESSION WITH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS: “I have SS#’s, DL#’s, home addresses, and bank account numbers…and I have permitted guns(This ominous threat was issued to four of Mary Cummins’ victims in one of her attack blogs); “The police gave me Amanda’s Social Security number” (Amanda has safeguards in place in case Cummins’ plan is to sell it to the highest bidder or use it to commit identity theft); A senior wildlife rehabilitation scientist at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife “gave people my social security number;” “I have Randy’s and his wife’s Social Security numbers” (The troll found Randy’s wife’s and his social security numbers by trolling through 21-year-old county deed records.) Randy and his wife have taken all the necessary steps to prevent Mary Cummins from committing identity theft or other criminal activity, including notifying the FBI.

AMANDA AND THE RUSSIAN OCCUPATION OF UKRAINE:  Alya Michelson’s father was in the Russian military in Ukraine overseeing the last violent military occupation in the 1990’s. Amanda most likely promised removal of articles of public concern about him if Michelson aided her;” “Amanda told me in person at the Debtor Hearing that she is the fake Russian.”

False police reports

Sometimes, in addition to suing her hapless victims and writing hundreds of defamatory blogs about them, Mary Cummins reports them to the police for “stalking” and “harassing” her, for “perjury,” “fraud,” or “forgery,” like she did with a prominent California attorney, a well-known Los Angeles newspaper editorial writer, Amanda Lollar, a disabled man with spina bifida who lives in an assisted living facility in Texas and, most recently, even Randy. Not surprisingly, after the troll’s frivolous lawsuits against Amanda Lollar were thrown out and efforts were underway to collect the millions she owes Amanda, Cummins frantically resumed her favorite attack strategy of repeatedly filing false complaints about Amanda with various law enforcement agencies. Fortunately, it seems that all law enforcement authorities are completely fed up with this troll’s insane histrionics and are now ignoring her. (See next paragraph.) Needless to say, no law enforcement agency has ever filed criminal charges against any of Mary Cummins’ victims. Once they realize what kind of disturbed individual they are dealing with they ignore her false complaints.

Threats to kill Amanda Lollar

The apparently delusional mental state of Mary Cummins of “Cummins Real Estate Appraisals” and “Animal Advocates” as seen in her frenetic internet postings and tweets indicates that she may be seriously mentally ill, unmedicated, and potentially dangerous. While obsessing on Amanda this unhinged troll posted on the internet: The police actually told me to shoot her dead.” (It is unknown if this is the same police department that “thinks Amanda is a seriously mentally ill lesbian.“) “Every single officer told me I should shoot her.” She has also posted, “I went through the police academy, took the gun class; I’ve been going to the range and I am armed and dangerous. In response to her lunatic ravings about shooting Amanda, her deranged internet followers posted things like, “Mary whatever you do…if you shoot her make sure you shoot to kill;”Take that menace to society down;” It’s 9 mm time;” “She needs to be held underwater for about an hour;” and “Someone needs to throw water balloons filled with urine at her.” It should be noted that, with the exception of a few demented psychopaths, most of these internet “followers” who are encouraging and abetting murder are believed to actually be Mary Cummins herself using fake identities. Mary Cummins proudly—and ludicrously—proclaimed that Amanda Lollar “will soon be arrested.” However, a short time later Cummins posted that when she went to the police and was unable to talk to a detective about Amanda Lollar, “I refused to leave the police station,” and “I will try internal affairs.” Police departments always attract crazies and the Los Angeles Police Department obviously figured out long ago what they were dealing with. Mary Cummins’ threat to go to “internal affairs” is a sure sign that she is going to sue the city again if they do not arrest or kill Amanda Lollar soon. This pathological Beverly Hills woman (who thinks she is actor Charlie Sheen’s “neighbor” and obsesses about Jennifer Aniston on Facebook, Google, blogs, Twitter, etc.) seems to believe that if she files enough frivolous lawsuits and false police reports, and if she spreads enough lies all over the internet, something is eventually bound to stick, enabling her to finally destroy Amanda Lollar—a selfless woman who has devoted her entire life and all her worldly possessions to rescuing, rehabilitating, and caring for her beloved animals.

Websites about Mary Cummins

Mary Cummins of “Animal Advocates,” “Cummins Real Estate Services,” and “Cummins Real Estate Appraisals” is a veritable one-woman plague on the internet who has devoted a bored life of unemployment to attacking and destroying innocent individuals and animal rescue organizations.  She is obsessive, vindictive and relentless. She has been attacking and smearing her victims on the internet, posting personal information about them and their families, filing police reports against them, obtaining their social security numbers, and harassing them with lawsuits for many, many years. The federal and state courts are fed up with her endless frivolous lawsuits, motions and appeals. Chronic lawsuit abusers like Mary Cummins clog up the courts and prevent legitimate cases from being heard. When she has been sued by her victims she has claimed that she couldn’t be held liable by courts because they didn’t have “jurisdiction” over her. However, when Mary Cummins tried to sell that asinine argument to a Texas judge it fell flat and she wound up owing her victim $12 million, plus $51,616.77 per month interest as long as the judgment remains unpaid. She is expected to soon be deemed a “vexatious litigant” by the courts which means she will have to post a significant bond before she can file any more lawsuits. Numerous websites and blogs about Mary Cummins have been created by her victims over the years. They have been pushed way down in Google and other search engine results, most likely due to extensive search engine optimization by the troll. Here are just a few of them:

Ed Boks Consulting

Wildhorse Ranch Rescue Warning to Supporters

Serial Blogger Mary Cummins defames Carlos Siderman

Bat World’s Cyberstalker

Mary Cummins Gets Punked

Mary Cummins, Real Estate Appraiser

The Truth About Mary

Mary Cummins, Stalker of Annette Stark and Tiffany Krog

Mary Cummins Special Series

Mary Cummins Crackpot

Stalker Alert Mary Cummins

Unfortunately, the current laws are inadequate to deal with malicious trolls like Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates and Cummins Real Estate Appraisals who use the internet to destroy people they envy. Defamation lawsuits may be filed and won but trolls can simply hide their assets, ignore court judgments, and keep on telling malevolent lies about their victims on the internet.

Indeed, she once candidly revealed on the internet that her actual occupation is “causing havoc on the web.“